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Saturday 10 September 2016

Auditory Abominations: "Satellite" - P.O.D.

Let's talk about mixing genres, such as rap and metal. This is not a new concept, in fact if you consider the old school 70s hard rock bands as heavy metal, than Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" is kind of the frontrunner to it all, and than we also had Anthrax doing their crossover with Public Enemy and other bands like Rage Against the Machine and Old school Linkin Park. The idea of mixing genres has always been around and it often creates some odd combinations, such as P.O.D.

P.O.D. is a Christian Rap Metal band with a touch of reggae. So this is technically the first religious abomination, but as I said when I reviewed the album, nothing is bad on it's own because of the fact that it is religious, there are some songs by religious groups that I actually like. I say this now as a statement to save my own behind because, I think P.O.D. is one of my least favourite metal bands, alongside groups like Skillet and a few Grindcore bands.

The song I chose is Satellite, which I don't think is their worst song, but was the only song I thought was worth remembering off of the album.

Immediately we are hit with drums and guitars and they don't sound bad, a little generic but not terrible, unfortunately the same cannot be said about the rapping, as it sounds ubber generic. In fact that is the problem with the song on it's own.

The whole song feels like one of those songs you'd have in a video game soundtrack that just kind of blends in with what's happening, but unlike something like "Pedal to the Metal", it wouldn't stick out and just be over when it stops, you know the ones that I'm talking about they plague a lot of racing games.

Really I think the biggest problem with the song isn't even the song itself. This was the sixth track on the album and it was the point where a lot of the songs and instrumentals especially, started to sound very similar and generic.

Really this song is just dull and boring. It offers nothing and the chorus is just repeating the song title, Because That Worked Out Well Before*

I think maybe I'll take another crack at this group at a later time, but right now I'm finished with Metal Abominations. What's Next?

God, Damn it all.

I'm the Entity of Darkness and I really hate the upcoming song.

*Each word is a separate link to click on!

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