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Monday 17 April 2017

Auditory Abominations: "Bawitdaba" - Kid Rock

I am digging up the oddest things this time around aren't I? Seriously, what kind of song is named after nonsense? ...Does "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" need to be acquainted with this? ...That's what I thought.

So anyway, Kid Rock, or as he introduces himself KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID KID ROCK! yeah, what a strange creation he is, a redneck rockstar cowboy pimp rapper, or at least that is what he likes to parade himself around as. I don't really have a whole lot of thoughts on Kid Rock, I try to avoid listening to music I don't like whenever possible, but this proves that I can't avoid everything forever, so here we go. I'm going with this song because it was the first song on the album that made him big, so why not?

For some reason, this song begins with build-up, or maybe it's just the video. Yeah, thing about YouTube again is, sometimes you get "bonuses" for selecting a video, like an actual music video that plays like a mini movie or something like what Weezer did with "Buddy Holly", the fact that I just mentioned a Disney song and a Weezer song within three paragraphs of a Kid Rock review is sad.

Anyway, the song actually begins with Kid Rock introducing himself as, that up there ^ and giving us the only part of the song we will remember. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I looked up the lyrics to this song, crazy I know. Yeah, the opening lyrics we are given pretty much nonsense, "Bawtidaba da bang, da bang diggy diggy diggy/ Diggy, shake the boogie, said up jump the boogie".
Yeah, that is uh, a group of lyrics or something, but oh well, let's see the actual song.

"And this is for the questions that don't have an answer/The midnight glancers, and the topless dancers/The can of freaks, cars packed with speakers/The G's with the forty's and the chicks with beepers".

Alright, maybe I'm missing something, but so far it sounds as though this is both a shout out track and a call out track. A shout out track is basically a song that is a shout out to someone or a group of people usually people who inspired the writer or artist, a call out track is essentially the opposite of that. Hold on, let's go to the glorious interwebs to find what this song is actually about, I'm am researching deep meaning of a Kid Rock song, what has my life become?

Okay, this is apparently a Mosh Pit anthem. Yeah, you know forget the glorious "Ten thousand Fists" this is all you need to get into a mosh pit. Especially one with topless moshers, oh wait shirtless dudes, right. Unless he actually meant strippers, I'm confused again.

Yeah, if this is supposed to be a mosh pit anthem, then the first group of lyrics are basically just shout outs to hookers and meth. So, you know, it has that going for it?

We get another chorus, and seriously, if you want your chorus to be nonsense, at least have your nonsense make some kind of sense. I get that "Bawitdaba" somehow gets people pumped, but then again so does "Break Stuff" and we all know how well that song works. Seriously, what does "Bawitdaba" supposed to even be? "Bawitdaba da bang da bang diggy diggy diggy/Shake the boogie said up jump the boogie"?

We get one more lyrical group of call outs or shout outs (honestly I don't know which), and apparently D.B. Cooper is in the crowd. Either that or he just had to write in one infamous criminal and Charles Manson just wasn't iconic enough.

After this, we get an okay instrumental solo. It has the guitar just being played and it doesn't sound awful, even the snippets of the other instruments being played sound okay. This should have been the opening, not the cheap build-up crap. It is however, ruined by one thing, a stupid vocal sample being played over it, it is under the instrumentals, but it is kind of annoying. Then we get one final chorus, and I'm suddenly realizing that I wasted three minutes on a Kid Rock song.

Yeah, this isn't the worst song I covered, but I do think it's one of the worst. It's just lyrical trite, I don't even think anybody was sober when it was written. Honestly, everything else about the track is alright, the instrumentals and vocals work, but the lyrics are this songs biggest failure. And what even is "Bawtidaba" supposed to even mean? I've said nonsense and made-up words but I at least prescribed meaning to them.

Really though, there is just one thing I can say about this song that sums up all of my thoughts.

I'm the Entity of Darkness, and next time I don't think I'll have to use so many more pictures.

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