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Wednesday 26 October 2016

Ace Audio: "Symphony of Destruction" - Megadeth

As I said before, it's harder to talk about a song that everybody knows and loves without tying it to a specific theme. I honestly think it's easier for me to talk about songs I hate than songs I like, especially when those songs are loved by lots of other people I know. Sure I could tie this song to the theme of political power especially with the political climate in the U.S. right now (note: I support neither, but then again I don't live there), but I won't because I want to talk about the song, something I have not done properly since I reviewed "The Show Must Go On".

Megadeth is another band that doesn't really need an introduction, they are one of the big four of thrash metal and proof that older is often better. They have been going strong since 1986 and have been going steady since. To me, they hit a similar level of quality with most of their songs, some are better and some are not, but they aren't really like System of a Down or dare I say Metallica, where the songs aren't always of similar quality on the album. I'll admit, I am not too fond of "Bounce" by System of a Down. Even though some songs are better than others, Megadeth never really had that much of a dud, with the exception of "Crush 'Em" and while some may say that makes them a better band, I think that it also works the same backwards as they don't really have many "Amazing" songs, excluding this one maybe.

"Symphony of Destruction" is my favourite Megadeth song, from the opening instrumentals to the ending line it is just a magnificent song. Seriously, the opening guitar is awesome, it's rough, it's rhythmic and it's oh so stylish. Mustaine's opening vocals are gruff and mean business, which is perfect for this kind of song.

The lyrics have a strong opening talking about taking an average person and giving them power, the stanza's are not very long and lead to a few repeats of words and sounds, which is my only problem with the song, well one of two anyway, but thankfully it does serve as a decent bridge to an awesome chorus.

The chorus talks about how the masses are being lead to destruction by the political leaders Pied Piper style, and the simile of comparing the Pied Piper to political leaders is a good simile to have. I also like the line "We dance like Marionettes/Swaying to the symphony of destruction" as it describes the scenario in perfect metaphor, and leaves a nice mental image as well, reminds me a little of the Metallica song, although that was about a different subject matter.

Unfortunately the second stanza is my other minor issue with the song as it has a few kind of strange word choices, but it leads to another chorus line which gets a repeat, and gives us an awesome guitar solo. I find most guitar solos leave me at a loss for words, but this guitar solo kind of shows why Megadeth is a superior band to Metallica.

The song ends after one last verse and chorus, capping off at four minutes and seven seconds. I think if the song was longer it would've over stayed it's welcome a bit. Lyrically the song is basic, but the lyrics are really powerful and are drenched in metaphor and imagery, two things I love in writing.

The song was also a huge hit for Megadeth as well as it was played on the radio and on MTV plenty of times, giving mainstream success to the band, even peaking at number 29 on the Mainstream Rock Tracks. Megadeth released the following album Youthanasia in '94 two years after Countdown to Extinction and it did just as well reached number 4 on the Billboard 200. Megadeth would do a lot in the following years, and their newest album Dystopia sounds pretty good.

I'm the Entity of Darkness, and next time I'll go a bit out of my comfort zone.

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