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Monday 13 March 2017

Auditory Abominations: "Glycerine" - Bush

You know how music nerds like myself say that the 90s died with Kurt Cobain? Well, the issue was that even though the grunge scene was starting to die at that point, many bands were still kicking and trying to keep the scene moving. Some bands like Pearl Jam, ditched the sound and tried new things, after all "Jeremy" sounds nothing like "Do The Evolution". Soundgarden broke up in '97, but reunited in 2010 so there isn't entirely bad news. Layne Staley of Alice in Chains had substance abuse issues, causing the band to be inactive up to his death in 2002, they are still around though, and Stone Temple Pilots were going strong until 2013 when they kicked Scott Weiland out and replaced him Chester Bennington, which does not sound like a good replacement at all. Oh yeah, Scott Weiland also passed away in 2015 so yeah, the grunge genre is not the most long lasting genre is what I am saying. The only two bands of the bunch that are still around are Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, oh and I guess Bush too.

I'm going to admit, I'm not the biggest fan of Bush, because listening to their early stuff is not to dissimilar to listening to a slower, sludgier Nine Inch Nails and their newer stuff is not very interesting. So, forgive if I seem to be stepping in hot water right now, but I was really struggling to find songs to do for this blog and I think I should go into a song that I don't like, that I think the majority of people do enjoy, again.

The opening instrumentals are sludgy, not terrible but very slow and messy. It does create an interesting sound, but I can get a similar and better sound from "Alive". For some odd reason, the instrumentals are louder than the opening vocals, which causes a lot of them to be lost in a sea of noise. It also doesn't help at all that the vocals are practically mumbled through the opening verse.

Gavin Rosedale, for some reason, practically whispers in the opening, which combined with his near mumbling, makes him nearly inaudible, you can hear what he is saying, but just barely. He does pick up his voice, and being fair, he doesn't have terrible vocals, these just sound tired.

That is until the chorus though, which I don't get. "Don't let the days go by/ Glycerin", glycerine, or glycerol, is a polyol compound, what does it have to do with this? You may as well sing "Don't let the days go by/ Birthday cake" and it makes about as much sense, or maybe I'm missing something. Let's check the lyrics.

Okay, "If I treated you bad/ You bruise my face/ Couldn't love you more/ You got a beautiful taste" is, he addicted to some glycerol-based substance? because if he is than this song makes perfect sense, but if he isn't and this is just a love song, than it makes less than no sense.

Lyrics aside, the song itself is also very boring, the combination of Gavin's vocals and these instrumentals are tiring and dull. Even when the song picks up, with a slightly louder guitar and Gavin sounding like he's suffering constipation, it only lasts a couple seconds, and the songs just kind of ends with, an orchestra? Well, that's strange and out of place.

I guess the song hasn't aged very well, and if that is the case it is a more interesting specimen of out-dated... ness than "We Built this City", granted that one is a much worse song, but this had more problems than it being predominantly outdated. I don't like the droning nature of this song, I don't particularly enjoy the vocal performance and I don't get why he is just dropping "Glycerin" on us like Scott Stapp screaming "SEX" randomly.

I'm the Dark Entity and, since I talk about a song I dislike that everyone else likes, I'll talk about a song I like that a lot of people dislike.

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