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Tuesday 30 August 2016

Auditory Abominations: "Rise" - Katy Perry

New blog, yeah! I thought that even though I enjoy listening to albums, I will run out eventually, plus listening to songs is just easier, so I have decided to just review songs I don't like. Welcome to Auditory Abominations, because Todd in the Shadows does not upload weekly.

To Start this blog series, I decided to look at the music artist I despise the most, Katy Perry. Katy Perry to me is the opposite of a music artist, nothing about her seems to be natural in anyway, her voice, her songs, her outfits, it's like she took a bunch of aspects from other, better artists and poorly sewed them on her own image. Of course, I will cover other songs by artists I don't like, such as Creed or Chicago, but I think it's wise to discuss why I don't like Katy Perry, and the song "Rise".

Now for all of those who want to hear the song I put it above so you can listen for yourself although sometimes I have no clue why you would want to. Also I should mention that it is okay if you like any of these songs, I am not here to judge you as a fan or person, just the song.

With that said, the song itself is just a slow Katy Perry song about, rising above the situation. A simple concept, but the execution of the song is the real problem. This isn't the best song to show Katy Perry's weaknesses, but this does showcase a good chunk of her worse problems, such as her voice. Katy Perry may have power and a presence with her voice, but that is nothing impressive. If you want a female singer that has vocal power, I recommend listening to "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane or Heart's cover of "Stairway to Heaven". That actually is my biggest problem with a lot of pop music, it has to be restrained as safe to appeal to a mass audience, but it can't be to safe by hiding behind metaphors. So often pop music has no real defined sound, which is often why I prefer rock and metal myself, as those genres have defined sounds, it is not a metal song without showing off the strengths of the instrumentalists.

Katy Perry's "Vocal Power" is pretty much just singing a bit louder than before, I mean say what you will about Lady Gaga, but she actually has vocal power, which you can hear in a song like "Edge of Glory", so Katy Perry really doesn't have a whole lot of vocal power, which is fitting because Katy Perry is also a pretty boring singer. In this song especially, she sounds like she's tired and forcing a lot of her singing, which really means she should probably take a brief break from music.

The music itself doesn't help matters either, as it is a simple pop-tronic beat, you know one of those faux dubstep-ish beats that tries to be a dance beat, but is over shadowed by other, better dance songs like Ellie Goulding's "Lights", plus who the hell would dance to this slow, boring, dull, kind of downer of a song?

This is not my most hated Katy Perry Song but I think overall it's just a dull, boring mess of auto-tune and generic pop-tronic beats. However, I will give it this, this is not the worst song I've ever heard.

I'm the Entity of Darkness and this song sucks, the end.

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