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Saturday, 7 October 2017

Ace Audio: The Songs from "My Little Pony: The Movie" (2017)

Woah, been way too long since I done one of these. Yeah, this blog has been on hiatus for a while, I felt as though I was working to much at this and needed some time off. Of course, in the mean time I have still been writing my Creepypasta reviews on DeviantArt, and have started some cartoon reviews on my YouTube channel, links will be at the end.

So anyway, the My Little Pony movie has been released and I gotta say, it was awesome! If you have kids, are a fan of MLP or just love 2D animation, watch it now! It isn't perfect and it's not for everyone, but their is way too much about the movie that I loved, not the least of which is the soundtrack.

Now I've done one of these kinds of reviews before, only instead of looking at a feature length film, I looked at Dorbees, but thankfully, this one won't be so bad as, even though the soundtrack has thirteen songs, the film itself only has about six before the credits, so I'll talk about them.

Now, I think the only way I can properly talk about these songs is by going through them from my least favourite, to my favourite, and I will say right now that my least favourite song is only that because of plot reasons.

This song is really cheerful and goes to show why Pinkie Pie is one of the best characters in the series. The song itself has nice instrumentals, they don't sound like The Little Mermaid calypso, but they do have a similar feel, even without looking at the clip I can tell that this song takes place under the sea. I also really like the message of this song, one small thing can have a large impact, so I still think this is a pretty good song. The problem of it lies within the movie itself, and honestly, the whole underwater scene may be my least favourite scene of the movie.

Really, all this song is, is a distraction, literally. Twilight uses this song as a distraction to steal a magical object, and that was a major distraction for me throughout the song sequence. I didn't feel like smiling alongside Pinkie and the others, I felt like hiding my head in preparation for the awkward moment where Twilight gets caught. I still think the song is good, but it's not my overall favourite.

Now this song is, okay. This song reveals the villain's backstory and basically just exists so the villain can say "Friendship is stupid, I am evil!". Lyrically this song struggles for that reason, it's the villain taunting Twilight and basically being the antithesis of the entire moral of the movie and show. So, what keeps this one from being my least favourite? That backing score, oh sweet Luna, the only reason this song isn't my least favourite is just because of that backing score, it just oozes evil. Something about orchestral music can really emphasize the mood of any given scene, which is probably why my favourite instrumental piece is an orchestral track. The song is okay, but the instrumental score is amazing.

So, this song literally came out of nowhere. This track is also fairly forgettable. It starts off a bit slow and kind of dull honestly, but this song does indeed pick up. The instrumentals that kick in once the song picks up are also kind of nice, kind of giving off a sort of Mexican sound with the acoustic guitar. All in all, this isn't a bad song by any means, but nothing is really the memorable about it, not even in a negative way.

This is the opening song and I do have to say, under most circumstances, this would have been my least favourite song in the movie. It sounds like it came from the show, which is not a bad thing, the show does have some good songs, but I don't think they are really amazing. However, a bit of that may have actually worked in this songs favour as not only did it really get into the spirit of the MLP world, but it also shows off the incredible talents of the main character's voices. I honestly also like the chorus singing "We got this", it jut sounds so, happy and celebratory, which makes sense as they are setting up a celebration. It serves as a good contrast to the rest of the film.

Also, this doesn't add anything to the song, but there were a lot of cameos in this sequence, from loved characters like Cheese Sandwich, to worst pony ever, Trixie.

Yeah this one is also pretty great. I do kind of like the beat to this one, the drumming is nice and solid, to the point they actually had to animate it in the film. I do kind of have a pet peeve with the lyrics, I don't know, "awesome" always seemed like one of those lingo words that would become outdated, you know similar to "Radical" or "Tubular". Although I do have to say this song just sounds awesome, and really does pick up towards the late-middle. Probably the first song I actually really liked in the film, although, like this review, the best song was save for last.

It is funny because I am not a Sia fan, but I would be lying if I said that this song didn't get stuck in my head. Especially that chorus, oh man I will be humming that chorus for a good long while now. This song is energized, and Sia definitely sounds really good. It's strange that my favourite song in the movie is the pop song instead of any of the orchestral backed songs, but you know, this song is amazing. It's just a burst of joy by the movie's end and it is, without any doubt, my favourite song in the movie.

And that's not all, the background music at some scenes was pretty good too, but as I can't find footage of them, and I'm just lazy, you're either going to have to see the movie, or trust me on that fact alone.

So yeah, I enjoyed these songs, even the ones that had some serious flaws I don't think I'll mind putting on every now and again. While I doubt that these songs will really hole the attention of anyone who isn't in the right mood for songs from My Little Pony, if you give them a chance, I think you'll enjoy them. I'm the Entity of Darkness, Fare-thee-well!

Oh yeah, before I forget:
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